Sunday, June 05, 2005

Coming to My Senses

Today I had nothing to do but to watch tv and knit. (There's always housework to do, but that doesn't count.)

I decided to work on an old project, the Cable-Waist Pullover, using Cascade Indulgence, a combination of Alpaca and Angora. I finished the second shoulder seam (the first having been finished about a month ago, since which time it has been floating around my living room) and the neck. Then I set in the first sleeve:
As I sat down to do the first side seam (since I was pretty tired of the sleeve seam) I thought about how it's 91F outside, and I don't like to use my air-conditioner too much, so it's about 78 in my apartment, and it was pretty hot doing that sleeve seam. I also thought about how I wasn't going to be able to wear it until Fall. What purpose would finishing this sweater serve, except to give me a sense of accomplishment, and my WIP list would get one project shorter. So what? I'm better served working on things I'll wear this summer, if I get them done, right? What would possess me, really, to work on anything involving Alpaca when it's over 80 degrees outside? Really. That sweater is now safely put away in a bag in the closet with the rest of the winter WIPs.


Kirsti said...

Definitely a sensible suggestion. I'm starting on a Soleil rather than the Stitch'n'Bitch hoodie sweater for that very reason.

Can't wait to see what you do pick up!

Vicki said...

Of course! There'll be time for wintry things soon enough :)