Thursday, August 12, 2004

I've Been Busy

I should buy new yarn more often. I didn't eat until eight o'clock.

Swatches and beginning of Cabaret Raglan from IK Summer 2004

Swatch for VK Summer 2004 #9. It stretched out considerably once I got it wet, so I'll have to re-do it with a smaller needle once it dries.

And you have to look at this. I haven't decided if I believe it or not. Sheer craziness.


Gwen said...

I love the Lara. I'm going to have to go back and look at that again. I absolutely love the color. Of course, saving my money for Stitches at the moment.

Teri said...

Beautiful yarn and lovely swatches. Speaking of swatches, I want to get your opinion on my decreases next Wednesday. I'll bring my swatches for my Stitches class so I can show you the issues I'm having.

Have a great weekend! I'm headed to KC to see my husband.