Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Put It On Your Calendar

Yippee! Yippee! Yippee!

I got my hair trimmed today and discussed my hair donation plans with my hairdresser. I showed her some of the options, and she feels that it'll be super-easy, and we can cut my hair off in three sections in order to get the most off in a donatable-quality. She said that one of my ponytails will be as much as a normal person's whole head. She's excited. I'm excited. Are you excited? You should be. Makeovers are FUN!

The date is Saturday, May 14th at 9:00am. My local readers are welcome to inquire about location and inform me of your intended presence. I would like at least one person to come to take pictures. (Teri, it's a guild meeting Saturday, so you should come for that one.)

As the day approaches, I will post some pictures of possible 'dos, and you are all welcome to make suggestions. Remember, the shorter the better.


Teri said...

Oh I wish I could be there. However, I'll be in Philadelphia at my mom's graduation ceremony. But I do have a visit to St. Louis coming up very soon. I will probably be there March 29th & 30th. In fact, I might even be at B&N for knitting night.

Maybe I can see your new 'do at the potluck in June?

Rebecca said...

No hair suggestions, but kudos on the donation. I donated hair for the second time about a month or two ago. It was really scary (and shorter than I wanted) but it makes you feel good to help the kids! Plus I am happier with my hair now. I love the short styles with barrettes, you look like you have the thick straight hair to carry off that look.

Kathy said...

I'm so glad you're donating to LOL! I donated 18" of hair a few months ago and was scared to death! I love my new short 'do and am glad I was able to help such a wonderful organization.