Happy Thanksgiving!
I spent a couple days at my parents' house for Turkey Day, and now I'm back home for the weekend, decking the halls. It's my first christmas tree, so it's a little sparse. I bought a bunch of stuff on clearance last year at Target (including the tree) but I'm not happy with the garland (it's funky, but not substantial enough) and I don't have a topper or a skirt. And since I'd like those things to be special, not made in China, I might not have either soon. I'm pretty sure I have another box of stuff somewhere because I'm missing some things, so maybe it'll fill out in a couple days.
Anyone have any cute, fast, ideas for making tree skirts or toppers?
If you used bulky yarn, you could whip one of these out pretty quickly...
Otherwise, I know there are some more complex patterns out there (aran style, etc.) and you could take a holiday tablecloth or a couple yards of inexpensive fabric & swirl it around the bottom while you decide what you want to make!
I know this is nothing fancy, but you could put a white sheet out there. I have seen them made out of big sheets of flt too - That would be inexpensive and easy. It looks great.
Knit a skirt on big needles with chunky yarn? It would be fast.
I have a giant bow that I made with long streamers for the topper of my tree. I used a festive table cloth for the skirt for awhile until I found one I liked and replaced it a couple of years ago.
Every year I look for a cool topper for my tree and am disappointed. So I don't have any suggestions on that for you.
But I did make a neat tree skirt for my sister out of red and green felt several years ago. I cut out three large green trees and stitched them on the red felt. Then attached squares and rectangles of wide ribbon near the bottom of each tree as presents. Next I added some narrow gold trim on the "presents" and as garland on the trees. Then I sewed on some beads and charms on the trees.
Now that I type it all out, that sounds like a lot of work, but it really only took me a few evenings.
Unfortunately, I don't have any fast or easy ideas. I cross-stitched an angel treeskirt years ago. It's technically not finished since it's supposed to have garland that goes all around it. I just finished the angels in front and I'm fine with that. :-)
I have a light up angel with a procelein face that I found one year and that's what tops my tree.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Hi! Found you through Ravelry and saw you're request - Check out the holiday issue of Crochet Today! Magazine - they have a pattern for Crochet and you could check it out and even modify it for fast and easy.
As far as a tree topper...My husband and I had the same dilema, we didn't want to just get any ole topper so we took two years to find it. If you have time you should check out the Christmas Shop up by Kings Island, they had loads of things that people want but can't find in the big box stores. Definitely worth a trip up there.
Peace, Anna aka LibrarianAnna @ ravelry
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