A: Afghan I crocheted [poorly] in college. I used Simply Soft, and it's falling apart as you can see from the missing fringe and the loose loop on the side there. Sadie is taking her toll with her penchant for chewing on yarn. I hate to just throw it away, but I really don't know what else to do with it. Maybe I'll just use it as a throw on the couch until it actually ends up in tatters.
B: Loosely woven cotton blanket purchased when I bought my first bed. It is queen-sized even though the bed is a full because back then it was hard to find a blanket big enough to cover the sides of a pillow-top mattress. It is too big and fits poorly, and Sadie snags it every time she tries to jump on the bed, which is frequently because she can't jump on the bed. I'd like to salvage it before it gets too bad because it fits the sofa-sleeper and barring any holes, will be good for when I have visitors.
C. Bedskirt I purchased a few weeks ago at a Linens-n-Things Going out of Business sale. It looked like an unopened package, and at $5 it seemed like a bargain so I took it without much inspection. When I opened it, I found several holes, the largest group of which I patched up with some iron-on mending tape while I ironed it. Then I put it on the bed and realized that it is queen-sized. Pooh. I left it on because it was better than nothing, but maybe it's not. If anyone is interested in a queen-sized, bone-colored bedskirt with a few minor holes in it, please let me know.
Isn't this so much more relaxing looking? (Click to embiggen, if Blogger feels like it today.) I went to Macy's and got a bedskirt, comforter cover, quilt and shams. The quilt is still in the package there to the left above Sadie and it matches the shams; I'll use it in the summer. It felt really stupid putting the comforter and cover together yesterday when it was 70 degrees out but it'll be nice tonight when it's closer to 30. I don't need a lot of pillows and fancy stuff like they have in catalogs, but it does feel nice to have things that match and look nice. Now I can leave my bedroom door open when I have visitors.
I love a nice bedroom. I have %55 in store credit to Bed Bath & Beyond and I'm thinking I might want a new comforter for a change in my room...or new sheets. Hmmm. We'll have to see. Looks great!
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