Friday, December 03, 2004

Free stuff, clean mirrors, and annoyances

Everybody I know was born in December, so yesterday I went to the Company Store (discount Nestle chocolate, yum!) and bought some Hallmark cards. Three, to be exact. And much to my surprise, when I checked out I got this for free:

Isn't he cute? I love snowmen. Isn't his little knitted outfit cute?

How to take a "bathroom mirror picture":

Step 1: Clean the bathroom mirror with Windex.

Step 2: Leave Windex bottle on bathroom counter so everyone knows you had to clean the mirror.

Step 3: Take picture:

This is the sweater my mother bought for me when I was home. Isn't the brooch pretty? When I saw Teri in K.C. and told her about it she asked if I found it difficult to buy sweaters. Larger guage sweaters, cable sweaters, yes. Miles and miles of fine gauge stockinette, NO.

I need some advice, and not about knitting. I think my downstairs neighbors are producing a continuous dull roar which is driving me crazy. I hate to be a prude, so I don't want to say anything unless it's late, and it doesn't actually interfere with my sleeping. It's just so annoying. And I'm not sure it's them. When I go out in the entryway and try to hear what apartment it's coming from I can't hear a thing. I've just been turning up my tv, but a tv doesn't drown things out very well. Sometimes I listen to music, which drowns it out better, but usually I have the tv on. Am I just being irritable? Should I call the management? Continue to drown it out? Stomp on the floor? What time do you think is a reasonable time to complain? Help!


Omni said...

That snowman is DARLING!! :-)