Thursday, June 23, 2005


Good news: one sleeve finished:

Bad News: all that's left, and I still have to do another sleeve and the neckline:

If you or anyone you know has either knitted the Cardi Raye or has access to Phildar yarns, please let me know if there might be some left-overs somewhere. PLEASE!!!!

I finally dyed the Operation Big Chop Incentive Yarn for Heather. She chose the flavor Grape Berry Splash, but for some reason there is a random red spot on it. I call it "Jupiter":

And this evening at Barnes & Noble I acquired this:It's very cute and looks like it'll be a lot of fun to use. It's more about designing than keeping track of in progress/future projects, but that's ok. I might need a little shove in that direction.


Anonymous said...

Beth~Cardi Raye is gogeous, I am so sorry that you are going to need more yarn. That stinks. I also wanted to let you know that "Jupiter" has landed here with me all safe and sound. I will make sure to let you know what Jupiter has become and know that you send her to a good home! Thanks again!! Heather