No new job news today. I expected a call to set up a visit to Cincinnati, but didn't get one. Maybe everybody took an extra day of vacation.
However, I don't care, because look what arrived in the mail today:

It's enough yarn to finish the Cardi Raye. I'm so excited. I'll probably stay up late to get the sleeve finished. The orange ball on the left is the bit I have left, and they are different dye lots, but I think as long as I use them in different stripes, no one will notice. They aren't as different in real life as they are in the picture.
And look who's so cute her nail polish matches her Isis Wrap:

I didn't even plan it. It just turned out that way.
Hoorah! You got the yarn to finish Cardi Raye!
I can't wait to see the Isis wrap. What a pretty color.
Your wrap is looking pretty. How do you like the pattern so far?
Darnit, you're making me want one. In that color, too. I wanna copy you cause you're just too cool!
I'm excited to see how the Cardi Raye turns out!
Something has changed recently on your site, and now none of the photos load for me (in either Netscape or Explorer).
Any ideas?
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