2. Today I received my order from Yarnzilla.

3. While I was just able to use Blogger's new picture posting feature, which wasn't working the last time I tried, I am not receiving e-mail notifications for your comments. Please forgive me if I don't respond; I probably am not getting your e-mail address. Also, someone notified me that they were not able to see the pictures in either Explorer or Netscape. I'm not having any problems at home or at work, so I don't know what to do. Is anyone else having problems? Please let me know; the more symptoms I can report, the more likely it is to get fixed. I didn't change anything here, so it's probably Blogger's fault. Who am I kidding? It's always Blogger's fault. I guess if I wanted something better, I'd have to, you know, pay for it or something. :)
oooh--pretty yarn. Worth rotating my head for. Hope you hear from Cincy soon.
I havne't had any problems with your blog. What pretty yarn. All that pink and brown :)
(yay for pirate names!)
I really like the pink/brown direction you're going; very pretty, yet still sophisticated. :)
For the browser problems, if the readers are using Windows Explorer for MacIntosh, that's a different animal than the regular Windows explorer. I think Netscape is also Mac-only, but I'm not sure. I know there are several differences in how those two browsers handle some web code than other (non-Mac) browsers, but I'm really just a hacker in that arena.
tottally off subject, I know you are a Target fan. The target in my area has knitting kits on clearance from 10 to 20 dollars. They have yarn, needles, a pattern, and a learn to knit CD. while they probally aren't the best yarn in the world, they would make good Christmas gifts. And I did pick up a halter top kit for me.
I use the Safari browser with my Mac and I've never had a problem seeing photos on your blog. Unless they're blurry photos. But honestly, you can't blame that on Blogger.
Also, I'm working on some socks right now with that very same Regia yarn. It's a bit splitty and I've had to go down to size 1 because it's thin....but it is LOVELY when it's worked up and the stripes are really groovy. I should take a pic and put it on my blog. It's been forever since I've put up a work in progress there.
The girls I knit with call Malabrigo "butter" because it's THAT soft.
I'm the one who wrote the other day about photo trouble in Netscape and Explorer, but today all is well. (Instead of photos I was just seeing dinky outlined boxes.) Thanks!
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