I finally got the pattern I ordered at Stitches. Isn't it pretty?

It's called "Charlotte", and I got it from Black Water Abbey Yarns. I saw the sample on the booth wall and just had to have it.
Because you know, I've done so well with Madli's Shawl, and really need more big lace projects.
It is gorgeous!!! What kind of yarn has it told you it wants to be knit with....or is it holding out on you?
Lovely. Very lovely. What color will you do? Chelle
That's a beautiful shawl. I really like Abbey Yarns & wind up buying stuff from them every year at Stitches. Are you going to use their yarn, too?
No, no Madli was evil. Lace is good.
Madli almost put me off lace forever, but this summer I discovered I love it beyond mortal comprehension. You just have to find the right pattern.
And that one looks good.
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