It's been a long week and a half, and I've been delinquent in my blogging duties. Even my father noticed. Here is a brief (hah!) summary of what you missed:
Wednesday: Knitting with the Posse at B&N. Made good progress on the sock. Nothing to note.
Thursday: Class. Our first night making bread. My partner and I were assigned French Baguette. Early on, it wasn't looking good; it didn't rise very much during the first rise before we had to move on due to time constraints. However, it performed well during the second rise, and the final product was some of the best French Bread most of the people in class had ever had. We got a lot of compliments from fellow students and instructor alike. My teacher said "Seriously Roberts, this is not a beginner's loaf. You should be proud." Apparently no one can make a baguette on the first night, but my partner and I had a bit of experience, and we hit it out of the park. SAF is my new favorite yeast. Our bread tasted like butter, even though there wasn't any in the recipe. Of course, I LIVE for the approval of my culinary school teachers, and I was on cloud 9 and couldn't sleep.
Friday: Work, brought my voice teacher Carol some leftover bread from class, and in the evening had a rehearsal for our Summer Opera Workshop performance. Tired from no sleep.
Saturday: Work at the yarn shop, and another rehearsal for performance.
Sunday: Slept really late, but had the performance at 4:00. Did some knitting while others rehearsed a bit. It went well. I sang "Fair Robin I Love" from Tartuffe, and the role of Papagena in a scene from Mozart's The Magic Flute. Afterwards we went to a nearby restaurant, and had some wine and cheesebread. Carol agreed that my bread was much better than the restaurant's. Hee! Got home around 9:00pm, and collapsed. So tired. Performing is stressful.
Monday: Work, then Bach Society until 10:00pm.
Tuesday: Work, then a happy hour party for a co-worker who got another job. The conversations all went like this: "I want a new job." "No, I want a new job." "No, I'm going to get a new job." "Seriously, I really need to get a new job." Basically, we all want to quit. Work itself isn't that bad, but we feel like we're on a sinking ship, and we better get another mode of transporation before we're left clinging to a leaky life-jacket.
Wednesday: Knitting with the Posse again. Stayed too late, ate too much. About half-way through the toe of the second purple-striped Regia Surf sock.
Thursday: Work, then class again. Awesome bread again. Burned the crap out of my hand, by absent-mindedly grabbing a hot pan just out of the oven. Way to go, Sleepy McStupid. This is what my hand looked like for a day and a half:
Friday: Wore a sweatshirt with pockets in the front and played Napoleon all day. Boss let me go home early because I was tired, and handicapped. You don't realize how important those opposable thumbs are until you are missing one. I couldn't knit. I was pretty ancy and miserable. Still in pain. But I had yummy dinner rolls to eat from class.
Saturday (today): Woke up with much less pain on the hand. There were only two places where I still had blisters, so I backed down to two band-aids, and it was all good. I could knit again. Oh happy day. I am working on a sock pattern for the shop, and it's almost done. I'm past the heel and heading towards the top, and it's smooth sailing from here on out. And it gets good comments when it's sitting out on the table, so I think it'll be popular. After work Gwen and I went to Smokey Bones and had a delightful dinner. Now I'm here with you. Feeling much better.
Tomorrow is the second day of the St. Louis Knit-Out. I'll probably be heading out there, unless it's really rainy which is likely, due to hurricane Rita passing through. I also have a concert. Several St. Louis choirs are getting together to do a benefit for the Red Cross. The dress mentioned in my last post isn't anywhere near done, but I found a top to go with a skirt I have, and it's all good. Not as good as the dress will be, but good none-the-less.
Tomorrow some better knitting content: hopefully I'll have pictures of a finished sock. Yippee!
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