Thursday, February 15, 2007

Happy Half-Price Chocolate Day!

The take was small this year. I sincerely want to be more healthy, so I've been trying to eat less candy (among other things). Also, my tastes have evolved over the years, and Target didn't have any Stephanie's Chocolates which are irresistible to me. I bought one heart-shaped box of Choxie, but that was it. Then I went to Walgreens and bought some Conversation Hearts and a Reese's PB Heart and some pink Nerds. I decided that for today, candy was free on my diet-monitoring website, and that's just how it was going to be.

In other pink news, my MP3 player bit the dust a couple days ago, after one-too-many drops, I suppose. Tomorrow is Bonus Day so I was all ready to go buy a new one. However, it is still under warranty. I've been exchanging e-mails with the manufacturer and it's gone something like this:

Me: My player doesn't work. I've tried everything.
Them: Thank you for contacting us. Try some stuff on our website.
Me: I said I've tried everything. My player doesn't work.
Them: Thank you for contacting us. Try some stuff that's on our website, but this time we're going to write it out in the e-mail.
Me: I said I've tried everything. My player doesn't work.
Them: Thank you for contacting us. Try some stuff on our website.
Me: ??????
Them: Sounds like it needs to be serviced. Please provide us with your name, address, phone numbers, social security number, credit card number, model number, serial number, color of player, second choice of player color, place of purchase, date of purchase, price paid, shipping paid, height, weight, favorite flavor of pizza, number of siblings, name of your childhood pet, licence plate number, drivers licence number, place of birth, and bedtime. We will then send you a number, and then you can send it to us.

Somehow they sensed that I was this close > < to going to the Apple store tomorrow to buy a red iPod Nano and leave their crappy junk behind. Oh well. They'll probably (hopefully) just send me a new one. And I'll be more careful with it. Apparently it's quite fragile. I will have to knit it a holder so I don't drop it any more. (Ha! You thought this wasn't going to have anything to do with knitting!)


Gwen said...

I managed to stay away from the half price candy day this year. I thought about it and then talked myself out of it.

I like the idea of a knit holder. I dropped mine 3 times while working out on Wednesday.

Miss you!

Kathy said...

Of course, the solution to every problem is a little knitting! You definitely need a cozy.