Sunday, April 10, 2011

But it's Not May Day

Look what I found on my front doorstep when I arrived home this evening:

It's the smallest little bouquet in a cut-off Solo cup full of water. It looks like some of the flowers around the edge didn't take well to being cut off and have closed, but it's still a lovely little thing. The stems are wrapped in a red ribbon, and it seems a professional job to me; the pictures don't do it justice. No indication was given of the donor of this item, but it was probably my lovely and considerate neighbors.

I know that lately my blogging has been sparse. 140 characters at a time is so much more efficient. So much of the knitting news is shared via Ravelry, and progress posts have lost their charm. Nobody cares what I think of the latest Interweave, and I've forgotten when Flash Your Stash Day is. However, changes may be afoot to breathe some life into the old blog. Of course, it has to jockey for position with all of my other interests and responsibilities, so don't hold your breath.

In the meantime, here's some puppy knitting cuteness to tide you over: