Thursday, May 26, 2005

Knitting Across Country

A hotel room...

But what's that on the table?...

Could it be?
Yes, it's the metal stuff I brought with me ON THE PLANE. Not a word was spoken about my metal needles (sans project) or my gauge as I walked through security checkpoints in St. Louis and Chicago.

In other knitting news -- sock progress on the trip:

So the review for the luggage - a B-. It was definitely very cute, and it held all my stuff very well, and the wheels didn't make a lot of noise or anything. However, every time it hit something a little off-balance it would start to rock back and forth, and I would try to control it with the handle, but that would only make it worse, and very quickly it would knock over. Boo. The parking lot was particularly bad. Oh well, it was still wonderful to have and fit in the overhead compartment well, and I didn't have to carry it, and I learned how to take it on an escalator with panache. And it's still beautiful, and I still want the other pieces. I walked through the airport thinking about it and looking around at the sea of black luggage. Why is all luggage black? Mine's pink! I love it!

Wednesday night knitting - Kris, Suzie and Gwen
Barnes & Noble finally got the new Knitter's and there are five patterns in it I want to make, but I'll save that for another post.

Since I was out of town for work on Monday and Tuesday, and stayed late on Wednesday, and came in early this morning, I got to go home early and I don't have to go in tomorrow. Let's hear it for a four-day weekend! (I'm conveniently choosing to forget that I have to work on Saturday.) I really need to figure out how to convey the Happy Dance on the blog.


Vicki said...

A B's good enough for me. I still want it! Good to know you got away with bringing your knitting supplies, this whole flying thing had gotten pretty crazy. I saw the new Knitters but didn't get a chance to look through it. I'll have to give it a look :)