My mother seems to be spending as much time researching Cincinnati as I am. She was relieved to know they have Perkins there. We have no pie-serving restaurants here in St. Louis, and this has caused some amount of disorientation during family visits.

Cardi Raye may be temporarily stalled, but I am blocking the sleeves and will proceed with assembly best I can. I had wanted to wear it on the flights to and from Cincy (now that I know how to spell it, I'm tired of spelling it out) but I guess that won't happen.
Someday it will be finished.
It will be finished.
You can abbr. it by calling it Cinti.
Good luck!
Good luck! Pie is definitely important, there aren't any Perkins there? That's crazy. The sleeves are beautiful :)
Hope that the trip goes well - and yes, it's definitely a good sign to get invited down. The sleeves look great - and I hope you get the missing yarn to finish it soon!
I did the same thing when I moved to St Louis. No time to explore the city before I knew I was coming. Turned out to be okay. have a good trip.
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